Source, derisk and finance early stage nature-based projects.

As Impact Investor or Project Developer, get access to the best ecosystem restoration database on the market, technology verifications and documentation packages to select the most promising NBS opportunities.

The first technological solution for NBS origination.

Explore, filter, save projects and set alerts. Benefit from homogeneous data and technologically verified data: Carbon, Lands, Biodiversity, Regulatory and Country risks...

1. Identify new opportunites

  • Benefit from Qaptur’s propriatary database gathered and processed from multiple sources.
  • Uncover hidden projects/organizations and be the first to identify new opportunities.

2. save time and ressources

  • Don't waste your time nurturing potential project for 6-18 months and allocating ressources to immature organizations.
  • Launch directly ready-to-go projects fitting your selection criteria.

3. Facilitate your due diligence

  • Get instant access to standardized quality documents and indicators,
  • Speed up your due diligence and other processes with crucial data points already collected.

Due diligence ready NBS projects.

Qaptur Academy for Grassroot Organizations helps them to reach a level of maturity that matches your expectations: compulsory training courses, tutorials and guidelines for collecting data, templates of documents to be consolidated, etc. Projects that complete successfully the academy after several months are ready to scale with you!


KYC (“Know Your Customer”)
2+ employees Trainings Certifications
Tech-verified: registration and financial statements


Accurate GIS file
MOU (Memorandum of Understanding)
Lands Ownership Certificate or Lands Use Agreement
Tech-verified: Anteriority of land use (last 10 years)
Tech-verified: Forest loss (last 10 years)


PIN (Project Idea Note)
Concept Note
BP (High-level Business Plan)
Anticipated co-benefits (UN's SDGs)

Nature, People and Technology.

The technology to rapidly and cost-effectively absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere already exists: it is nature, namely photosynthesis. We believe that effective management of natural resources by - local - people, coupled with reliable technological monitoring and verification, is the fastest and safer way to address humanity's climate and biodiversity challenges.
Nature is our best ally in the fight against climate change and the sixth extinction. Join us in our quest to support the regeneration of natural ecosystems and carbon sinks.
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Coastal ecosystem observation from space